SHG’s Dennis Eder invited to share his expertise and thought leadership to three national programs
Strategic Health Group’s Dennis Eder Tapped by Leading Organizations to Help Explore Better Ways to Care for the Nation’s Elderly
Strategic Health Group’s Dennis Eder Tapped by Leading Organizations to Help Explore Better Ways to Care for the Nation’s Elderly
In collaboration with Tom Peterson, CEO of Clear Vision Information Systems, Hank Osowski, Strategic Health Group’s co-founder and Managing Director, has co-authored an article for the February edition of Managed Healthcare Executive on the opportunities and challenges of developing provider sponsored Medicare solutions. While bullish on the potential opportunities, the article seeks to reassure those considering a Medicare plan option that, however daunting, the challenges can be overcome.
SHG has been engaged by Indiana University to assist in creating a business development strategy for the Medical Center’s GRACE Team Care program. GRACE represents a tested approach and a new model of care for effectively managing the health and well-being of a high risk Medicare population. SHG is working with GRACE to optimize its value, grow its business, and create a sustainable business model.